Sunday Worship


Sunday Worship


Sunday Worship


Sunday Worship


Sunday Worship


Sunday Worship


Sunday Worship


Worship Services

 Sundays 10:00 am & Saturdays 4:30pm in the Meetinghouse.

Hybrid service live-streamed on Facebook.

Whether you join us in person or virtually, we rejoice in your presence.

Pastors Christie Burns and Reed Baer

Sunday worship is in the Meetinghouse at 10 a.m.


Come for engaging preaching from Pastor Baer that is both biblical and intellectual. Inquiring minds are welcome and encouraged. This is a traditional service with hymns, vocal choir and/or bell choir, prayers, sermon, and concludes with a blessing.
After the service, visitors and members adjourn across the driveway to Jenkins Hall for refreshments and fellowship.
Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month.


All are invited to stay for the entire service.


Church School is offered at the Saturday service.

Saturday Worship


Saturday Worship


Saturday Worship


Saturday Worship


Saturday Worship


Saturday Worship


Saturday worship 4:30 pm

West Parish of Barnstable Facebook

Pastor Christie leads worship with a preaching style that is biblically based and theologically progressive.  Come and experience a worship experience that welcomes your whole self: body, mind and soul.

Music is provided by Steve Gregory, and is often joined by Joan on vocals and members of the congregation sharing their own musical talents.



Spiritual Growth

To grow spiritually, we need to engage in learning in all ages to keep our spiritual lives healthy and vital, we need to be refreshed and renewed, challenged and engaged, through grasping on-going spiritual growth opportunities.
Here at West Parish we offer learning opportunities throughout our lives, from baptism to end of life. We begin with our babies and offer education from our laps to confirmation.
At this time Saturday School is not in session.
When we are all together again, the children in the church will be able to attend Saturday School led by Pastor Reed Baer and members of the Board of Christian Education, with classes geared to help our children grow together in faith.  We have our own Bible-based curriculum, comfortable worship space over in Jenkins Hall, songs, and time together. Our classes are by age groups:
– Toddlers-Grade 2
– Grades 3-5
– Grade 6 and up
For the adults, we offer weekly Bible Study, led by Reed and geared towards Bible Study newcomers as well as those who have enjoyed Bible Study before. We meet by Zoom on Wednesdays at noon. Please contact Pastor Reed for information on how to join in.
In the past, we have had talks/discussion after worship on a variety of subjects such as white privilege, environmental issues and interfaith dialogue.
We look forward to having these discussions once again when we are able to be together in person.


Senior Choir

The Senior Choir rehearses on Tuesdays at 11 am in the Meetinghouse for the 10:00 AM Sunday worship service.
The Senior Choir is open to all who love to sing and wish to commit their time preparing music for the weekly worship service and other special services throughout the year. They complement worship with diverse forms and styles of music.
Please contact the music director, Paula King, for more information

Bell Ringers

The Bell Ringers are a handbell choir which rehearses on Tuesdays from 6:15-7:45 PM.  We will be playing once a month and on special occassions.
The choir is open to those who wish to make a commitment to ringing and have a good sense of rhythm.  West Parish owns a 5 octave set of Verdin/Malmark Handbells and 3 octaves of Malmark Handchimes. The handbell choir of West Parish is a member of the Handbell Ringers of America and participates in regional and local events as well as during worship services.

Saturday Music

Our music on Saturdays is led by professional musician Steve Gregory, who usually is on electric or acoustic guitar. Participation by the congregation is encouraged, and Steve is assisted by various individuals on guitar, drums, and vocals.