Come Holy Spirit, Bring Us Your Peace May 22, 2021 Worship on YouTube Worship on Facebook "Come Holy Spirit", sermon text
Old Dogs, Puppies and Humanity May 15, 2021 Worship on Facebook "Old Dogs, Puppies and Humanity", sermon text
Remembering Rachel Held Evans May 8, 2021 #RememberingRHE A Mother’s Day Reflection Worship on YouTube Worship on Facebook "Remembering Rachel Held Evans", sermon text
Be a Barber Not a Butcher—credit to C.L. Fornari May 1, 2021 Worship on YouTube Worship on Facebook "Be a Barber, Not a Butcher", sermon text
The Lord is My Shepherd April 24, 2021 A meditation on the 23rd Psalm Image: Text of Psalm 23 painted with a symbolic valley in the background, by Alyse Radenovic Worship on Facebook Worship on YouTube "The Lord is… Continue reading...
Look. See. Touch. Taste. April 17, 2021 Worship on YouTube Worship on Facebook Look. See. Taste. Touch., sermon text